Imagery is a great way to activate your parasympathetic nervous system. This will help you to increase oxygen and blood flow, decrease the release of stress hormones such as cortisol and induce a state of relaxation.

Find yourself a quiet comfortable space where you can focus. Take a deep breath in and out and begin by visualising yourself walking down a golden path. There are trees and bushes on both sides of the path and you can hear the sounds of birds singing in the trees. The sun is shining down on your skin and you feel at peace as you feel its warm embrace. As you continue to walking you hear the gentle sound of running water and follow this to a beautiful waterfall.
As you walk towards the waterfall you see that there is a rock formation where you can walk under the waterfall. You walk over and stand directly underneath the waterfall, feeling the sensation of the water on your skin and the sun's rays warming you.
Your body is feeling relaxed and cleansed. Your emotions are feeling calm and serene. It is now time to leave the waterfall, knowing you can return there any time you wish.
It is now time to bring your awareness back to your body. You can open your eyes and give your feet a shake. Bring your awareness back to the room, and come back to waking consciousness.
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