Sleep plays an essential role in the maintenance of a healthy circadian rhythm.
The circadian rhythm is our bodies internal clock and is responsible for regulating our sleep wake cycle, hormones, digestion. If we practice consistent sleep wake habits it will help us to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm, which will help the body maintain its homeostasis.
If our bodies do not get enough sleep, or have an inconsistent sleep wake pattern, this can negatively effect our circadian rhythm which can have a negative effect on our mental and physical health.

Sleep Hygiene
Sleep hygiene is the term we use to think about the protection and maintenance of our sleep cycle. There are many ways that we can prioritise our sleep and make lifestyle changes that will help us with this.
Top Tips
1. Stick to a consistent bed time and wake time, even on the weekends.
2. Allow yourself time to wind down before bed; take a break from artificial light (e.g. smart phones and screens), read a book, listen to a podcast or engage in a non stimulating activity that you find relaxing.
3. Lower your body temperature: Our body temperature needs to lower by around three degrees in order for us to fall asleep and stay asleep. This is why a hot bath or shower before bed is helpful as it increases our temperature initially, but then causes a drop shortly afterwards which aids sleep.
4. Limit caffeine after 3PM. Caffeine is a stimulant and can delay and disrupt sleep.
5. Limit or avoid alcohol before bed: The metabolism of alcohol causes an initial sedated sleep followed by a much lighter sleep. This disrupts the body's natural Rapid Eye Movement Cycle (REM cycle) and causes fragmented sleep.
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